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Popust za programe simulacija za plaćanje do 2. septembra

Programi simulacija standardizovanih testova potrebnih za upis osnovnih i postdiplomskih studija u Americi i na drugim lokacijama biće uskoro prilično traženi u Centru. Kandidati za polaganje testova koji su prošli simulacije na računaru ili na papiru za određene testove konstantno ističu da bez simulacije ne bi imali velike šanse da se snađu na dan polaganja.

Simulacije za TOEFL odvijaju se kod nas na računarima nekoliko puta nedeljno, simulacije za SAT i ACT kod nas u prostorijama u unapred zakazanim terminima, a simulacije za GRE i GMAT se polažu online, na vašem ili bilo čijem računaru sa pristupom Internetu.

Cena svake simulacije iznosi 2,500 dinara, a do kraja ovog meseca Centar vam nudi mogućnost da uštedite online plaćanjem. Primenom koda aug2019sim na našem sajtu za online plaćanje uštedećete 300 dinara po svakoj plaćenoj simulaciji. Plaćanje se mora obaviti online do 2. septembra, a uplaćene simulacije se mogu iskoristiti do kraja septembra. Raspored simulacija za ACT i SAT će vam biti poslat, ali postoji mogućnost zakazivanja simulacija i van redovnih termina.

Više o simulacijama u Centru pogledajte na stranici Za više informacija pošaljite nam e-mail na ili nas kontaktirajte telefonom tokom radnog vremena (011/3349639 ili 065/3349639).

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Popust za simulacije na kompjuteru do 5. februara

Plaćanje kompjuterskih simulacija je jeftinije do 5. februara na našem sajtu! Ako simulaciju za TOEFL platite online, uštedećete 300 dinara od 1. do 5. februara. Nakon plaćanja simulaciju možete zakazati za bilo koji dostupan datum u februaru pozivom na 011/3349639 ili slanjem e-mail poruke na

Link za plaćanje –  .

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TOEFL simulation for less until March 25

Simulating TOEFL at our premises can be cheaper if you pay online by Sunday, March 25! The price is discounted to RSD 2,330, and the test can be scheduled any time in the current and next month. As usual, testing can be done only in our office in Belgrade. For more details, send us an e-mail to or check more details at .

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Simulation discount – Valid until Dec 31

The offer to take TOEFL simulation on our computers with the 10 percent discount stands until December 31, 2017. If you pay your simulation online at this site, you will be automatically considered for the discount, and you can use this simulation throughout the next year. There’s no need to remember any codes, discount will be applied at the end of your shopping. Get to the simulation payment page here – .

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from your friends at the International Academic Center!

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The payment for services in the International Academic Center is now much easier. It took some time to establish the store, and follow the tight procedures needed, but we have managed to make it work.

Why the English language? Translating the complete site, coding and all of the content, would take additional time we did not have this past summer and fall. We may come back to it soon, but need to keep it bilingual, to assist our English speaking clients. Second reason is the fact that you really need English language to pursue your future academic and other engagement abroad.

This web site is completely safe for your purchases, as it is described in the Terms & Conditions. Some of the services require initial contact with us before payment, while some can be purchased at any time. Don’t worry about possible issues – we can resolve them easily, and avoid your disappointment.

Final remark for this first blog post on the site: you will not be able to use it to pay your official test fees, university related fees, or US Embassy appointment fees. Check official web sites for the payment information, or send us an e-mail to